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Tiny Spark Boutique

As the mom of two girls, it broke my heart to watch their confidence dwindle as they hit school age. Let me know if this sounds familiar…

You stand outside your daughter’s classroom, waiting for the bell to signal the end of the school day and watching to see what your daughter’s like when she doesn’t know that you’re there.

The teacher oversees the circle of children with patience and a smile and asks the group a question.

In response, the boys raise their hands and bounce animatedly, trying to get the teacher’s attention.

Most of the girls - INCLUDING YOUR DAUGHTER - sit quietly, hands in their laps while they pointedly avoid eye contact with their teacher.

You know exactly what’s happening.

Because that used to be you.

Too shy to raise your hand and risk being laughed at by your classmates.

Trained to “be nice” and “smile” and “follow the rules.”

But that’s not what you want for her.

At Tiny Spark Boutique, we want to help you support her self confidence.

So that she believes she can do anything.

So she’ll be safe, have a happy life, and find a career that will allow her to achieve whatever she dreams of.

When you shop at TinySpark Boutique, you’re not just buying more stuff.

You’re gifting her small, daily reminders that’ll help boost her confidence, even when you’re not there. 

10 products